Title of Project:                     Innovative models to integrate learning and working in adult prisons (KEYS)

Year:                                      2009

Action:                                     Multilateral Projects (Grundtvig)

Project No. and Code:          504508-LLP-1-2009-1-DE-GRUNTVIG-GMP

Coordinator:                          Frauen Computer Zentrum Berlin                   


FCZB -FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e.V. (Women's Computer Center Berlin) - Germany www.fczb.de

Københavns Fængsler (Copenhagen Prisons) - Denmark www.koebenhavnsfaengsler.dk

IBI - Institut für Bildung in der Informationsgesellschaft e.V. (Institute for Education in the Information Society) - Germany www.ibi.tu-berlin.de

IRKS - Institut für Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie (Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology) www.irks.at - Austria

Justizanstalt Stein (Stein Prison) - Austria strafvollzug.justiz.gv.at/einrichtungen/justizanstalten/justizanstalt.php

European Prison Education Association Malta Branch - Malta www.epeamalta.org

Valsts probacijas dienesta Daugavpils teritoriala strukturvieniba (State Probation Service Daugavpils district) - Latvia www.probacija.lv/page.php

Fundación Esplai (Foundation Esplai) - Spain www.fundacionesplai.org/default.asp


With the project it is intended to exemplarily develop educational concepts and structural approaches dedicated to the support of manifold formal, non formal and informal competence development processes of adult prisoners working inside the prison system.

At the European level, best practices overriding time, space and organisational limitations between the occupation of prisoners and the development of both key competencies and general educational qualifications of imprisoned persons will be identified.

Moreover, it is aimed

- to compare existing approaches,
- to exemplararily develop new educational models,
- to pilot these models in selected European prisons and
- to reach beyond the lifetime of the project by transferring these models into the European penitentiary system.

The project focus is on a transnational link-up of innovation efforts dedicated to adult education in the European prison system. Innovative models will be developed, such as flexibly applicable learning modules and self-directed learning within the working process. In order to guarantee sustainability, particular attention will be given to accompanying human resources and organisational development processes. In addition, an adaptation of existing systems of educational planning shall be reached, which enables an optimal inter-linkage between adult education provisions and the specific needs of the target group. The gathered results will be integrated into the individual planning processes focusing on the social reintegration of prisoners.

Website: http://www.keys.fczb.de/

Irina Meyer:
FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e.V. (FCZB)
Cuvrystr. 1
10997 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
Tel.: 030 617970-38, Fax.: -10
E-Mail: meyer@fczb.de